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Adora Perizzi

Date of Birth: April 29, 1977

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 132 pounds

Hair: Black

Eyes: Green

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Home Town: Baltimore, Maryland

Day Job: Waitress

Fighting Style: All Around

Leanings: 'Tweener

Bio: Apocalips has seen many hard luck cases during its run and Adora's story is a sadly familiar one. When she was younger, she modeled and did some acting until she met the man of her dreams. They married and moved to Doler, her husband's hometown, to start a family. Their son, Richard, was barely two years old when his father died in a car wreck. Problems with the insurance company, no will and mounting debts forced Adora to sell their home and move into the less respectable apartments across town. Things only compounded when her little Richie became ill with a permanent lung infection. Being a waitress (at several restaurants, in fact), Adora barely earned enough to keep the two of them fed much less fill Richie's many necessary perscriptions. That's when Adora learned about Apocalips.

Adora is a gorgeous woman who tries to maintain an upbeat tone but she's here for one reason only. The money she earns by fighting is funneled into her son's health, and nothing matters more to her. She tries to make friends here, but she'll do anything she must to bring home as much money as possible for her son. Many symapthetic gestures from the fed management, including slipping her extra cash even when she loses, has earned Adora a few enemies.

Ten Most Common Moves: Body slam, leg lock, porch swing, neckbreaker, over-shoulder backbreaker, piledriver, cobra clutch, stepover toe hold, powerslam

Finisher: DDT

Personal Quote: "When I cave your skull in, please don't take it personally."

Ring Attire: Black and white checkered one piece

Theme Song: "She Works Hard For Her Money" by Donna Summer